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Interview with Dr. Joachim Böhler – Head of Market Research / Strategic Brand Management at Union Investment

Dr. Joachim Boehler from Union Investment

As Head of Market Research / Strategic Brand Management, Dr. Joachim Böhler has been loyal to Union Investment for many years. We talked to him about his prophecies for 2021, about lockdowns and joie de vivre, and learned what significance brand has for the minds and hearts of customers.

Dr. Joachim Böhler, thank you very much for being with us today! We’ll start at the beginning: What was your favorite brand in your childhood and which one is it today?

In my childhood, my favorite brand was definitely Lego – because of the endless building possibilities. Whereby it was the ‘old’ Lego, still without figures and kit-specific parts that could only be used meaningfully in the respective kit.

Today it is – even if this may sound a bit trite among brand designers – Apple. Yes, it may be that Apple has had more innovative times before. But I always find the combination of design, feel and functionality unique. I admire the handsome price premium that the brand generates, but as a user I am happy to pay it.

Imagine meeting a brand fairy who can fulfill your every wish. What would you wish for Union Investment?

That everyone in Germany spontaneously knows that Union Investment is the forward-looking, solid and partnership-based specialist for professionally managed investments.

If I would like to win over my own employees for my brand rather than customers – what top 3 measures would you recommend?

Create brand understanding. Spark brand enthusiasm. Ensure executive support.

How would you convince someone of the importance of the brand with just one argument?

Brand turns products into unique, desirable personalities in the minds and hearts of customers.

A very turbulent year lies behind us, and 2021 is also shaping up to be extraordinary. What prophecies would you make for the rest of 2021 for the brand environment?

During and between the lockdowns: restrained activity. When things pick up again and the COVID situation eases: An explosion of brand campaigns that exude joie de vivre.

What advice would you give to someone trying to launch or rebrand this year?

To wait with the launch until we are out of the critical phase of the pandemic. On the one hand, of course, out of entrepreneurial prudence. But mainly to be new and hip in the wave of demand that I expect – not before.

Dr. Joachim Böhler, thank you very much for your exciting insights! All the best for you and for Union Investment!

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